Monday 5 December 2011

Fuji Feather Customized!

Well, we have our first Japanese customer, at least that's how the name suggest. This vintage-looking baby is "glam" up by the new custom-made disc. Ya. The owner deals with designer spectacles worn by celebrities worldwide. Hope this little fella can globe-trot us around too.

Sunday 27 November 2011

1st Personalized Hybrid Bike

On 7 November, we received an order for a personalized set of Urberncycle™ wheel discs as a gift. The design was provided by the client. As this was our first hybrid bike customer, we decided to "supervise" the installation. With our easy-installation discs, everything was up and running in less than 20 minutes. Here's the happy "customer" in her perfect new coat.

Thursday 10 November 2011

we are open.

Fun fact: no one knows how bicycles work. More than 150 years after its invention, scientists still have no idea exactly what mysterious physics (or sorcery) keep a bike upright while in motion. Well, it's not our business to wonder, but we just thought it'll be nice to contribute a little wonder of our own to the beautiful lifestyle of biking. Whether it's through nifty little accessories or pretty little add-ons, that's what we hope to do at urberncycle.